Self care tips for 2022

Setting your Self Care boundaries for 2022

It's a new year and the resolutions are flying in. Exercise, eating healthy, achieving certain goals or maybe some personal growth. In the beauty industry we so often meet amazing people who seem to have it all together as well as those who are constantly grinding, be it for family, friends, work, maybe a financial goal or something entirely different. We find it's the people in the second category who prioritise everyone and everything over self care and eventually burn out. And I am a prime example. All about the go go go, especially with work, and very rarely take the time out to recharge and when I do, I feel like I'm completely unproductive and it has been a wasted opportunity to do something else. 

The people who we see all the time who seem to have it all together are the opposite. They have self care as a priority. They have boundaries and work to them rather than ignoring them all together. They put themselves first in order to help others. In 2022, I challenge you to do the same. I will be trying my best to carve out even 30 minutes per day to do something for myself that align with my goals rather than having to constantly work or push myself to feel productive. 

And in this I started looking at ways we can do simple things each day to take the time to care for ourselves because if we are a rundown, rag tag version of our potential, we aren't able to be there for others in the way we want to, or do our best with our other commitments, not in the quality we really want to give.

It really makes you think, what are we doing to ourselves? The constant state of stress and tense bodies don't really help us in the long run and is this the way we want to live our lives? Sometimes we need to have a wake up call to make a change but don't let it get that far. Create boundaries now so you don't burn out and fall apart because I can guarantee you it will be at a moment you need to be more on your game than ever before. Think about things that you find distracting, maybe things you say yes to only because you feel obligated, or perhaps its something you really hate (like cleaning the house... again, urgghh!). Find ways you can say no or delegate it to someone else. It really will make all the difference.

Once you have eliminated even one of the frustrations in your life then you make room for yourself to take care of you. I've compiled some ideas on really easy ways you can add a little self care to your day. It might be small but even tiniest changes can build up to a happier, healthier you. 

 Click here to download our Simple Self Care Tips for 2022

Let us know how you like to recharge, we love hearing your self care ideas and tips. We might just add them into our routine too!




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